Faith and Evolution Questions, Debates, and Resources

God and Evolution Video Clips

God and Evolution Video Clips

God and Evolution Video Clips

The following video clips were created to be used in conjunction with the God and Evolution book edited by Jay Richards. The clips highlight various chapters and themes in the book and are appropriate for use in small groups and adult Sunday School classes that are discussing the books. For suggestions on how to incorporate these clips into a class, download the free discussion guide for God and Evolution

Limited License: These clips are all copyrighted by Discovery Institute. But you are free to watch them here or to download them for non-commercial educational showings in homes, churches, or educational institutions under the following conditions: No admission is charged to see the clips; each clip used is shown in its entirety; the audience will be under 100 people. For usage in other settings, please contact This license may be revoked at any time for any reason.


1. God and Evolution Trailer (3:16)

Featuring clips from several contributors to God and Evolution, the trailer provides a teaser for the book and highlights key issues it addresses. The trailer is especially appropriate to show to groups that will be using the God and Evolution book for a discussion class. 


2. Introduction: God and Evolution (4:18)

In this clip, God and Evolution editor Jay Richards discusses the main themes of the book and places the book in the larger context of the debate over Darwinian evolution.


3. The Doctrine of Creation (4:49)

In this clip, God and Evolution contributor John West discusses the importance of the Christian doctrine of creation, distinguishing the doctrine from the more recent idea of “creationism.”


4. The Early Church and Evolution (2:56)

In this clip, God and Evolution contributor John West discusses debates during the early Christian church that have striking parallels to the debates today over Darwinian evolution.


5. Three Big Questions (5:05)

In this clip, God and Evolution contributor John West discusses three big questions posed for faith by Darwin’s theory of unguided evolution.


6. Darwinian Evolution, God, and Morality (5:39)

In this clip, God and Evolution contributor John West discusses the implications of Darwin’s theory for belief in God and for the understanding of ethics.


7. Evolution and the Problem of Evil (4:50)

In this clip, God and Evolution editor Jay Richards discusses the problem of evil and why Darwinian evolution does not resolve it, contrary to claims by some theistic evolutionists.


8. Francis Collins and Evolution (6:34)

In this clip, God and Evolution contributors and other scholars respond to Francis Collins’ defense of theistic evolution in his book The Language of God.


9. “Front-Loading” and Theistic Evolution (8:38)

In this clip, God and Evolution contributor Stephen Meyer discusses the proposal of some theistic evolutionists that all of God’s design of the world must have been “front-loaded” at the beginning of the universe.


10. Catholics and Evolution (2:13)

In this clip, God and Evolution editor Jay Richards explores the problems posed by Darwinian evolution for orthodox Catholicism.


11. Catholics and Intelligent Design (8:10)

In this clip, God and Evolution editor Jay Richards responds to some of the mistaken views of intelligent design offered by some Catholic scholars.


12. Judaism and Evolution (9:09)

In this clip, God and Evolution contributor David Klinghoffer explores the problems posed by Darwinian evolution for Jews.
