In recent years, new discoveries in physics, astronomy, biochemistry, and genetics have led many scientists and philosophers to conclude that nature is the product of intelligent design rather than a blind unguided process. Frequently misunderstood, the modern theory of intelligent design is not based on theological premises, but it does have theological implications, just like Darwin’s theory. In the links below, you are invited to explore for yourself the intriguing evidence and implications of intelligent design.
What is intelligent design?
What is the science behind intelligent design?
What is the history of intelligent design?
Is intelligent design incompatible with evolution?
Is intelligent design the same as creationism?
Is intelligent design based on the Bible?
Is intelligent design a “God of the Gaps” argument?
Is intelligent design testable?
Is intelligent design science?
Is intelligent design a rehash of William Paley?
Is intelligent design falsified by poor design?
Can intelligent design explain the origin of evil?
More questions
Resources for Churches
Videos and DVDs
A Brief History of Intelligent Design
A History & Defense of Intelligent Design
An Introduction to Intelligent Design
Intelligent Design FAQs and Primers
Articles on the Scientific Evidence for Intelligent Design
Articles on the Theological Implications of Intelligent Design
Design in the Bible and the Early Church Fathers
Intelligent Design 101
Darwin’s Black Box
The Design Revolution
The Design of Life
The Privileged Planet
Doubts About Darwin: A History of Intelligent Design
List of Key Books
VIDEO: Philosopher of Science Stephen Meyer on the Definition of Intelligent Design
AUDIO: Neurosurgeon Michael Egnor on Using Design Inference to Understand the Brain
AUDIO: Biochemist Michael Behe on How He Came to Doubt Darwin
AUDIO: Mathematician and Philosopher William Dembski on The Design of Life
AUDIO: Chemist Charles Thaxton on the Origins of Intelligent Design
AUDIO: Atheist Philosopher of Physics Bradley Monton on Intelligent Design